Ivan Hristov Tchalakov

Official address:  Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy and History, Plovdiv University "Paisij Hilendarsky"

24 Tzar Assen Str., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Telephone: +359 32 63 26 21 ; +359 899 41 75 30

Fax:        +359 32 635 049

e-mail:  tchalakov@sociology.bas.bg

Date and place of birth:  18.09.1960,       Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Nationality:        Bulgarian

Education (degrees, dates, universities)

- 1984 - University of Sofia; MSc in Sociology  

- 1988 - Institute of Sociology; PhD in Sociology of Science   

- 1996 - Institute of Sociology; Habilitation

- 1997- Plovdiv University; Associate Professor     

Career/Employment (employers, positions and actes)

- 1988-1996 - Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Sofia

- 1992-1998 - Assistant Professor, Univ. of Sofia, Bulgaria (part time)

- 1992-1993 - Secretary of Master of Public Administration

                     Program at the New Bulgarian University

- 1993-1994 - Member of the Expert team at Ministry of Science and

                     Education of Bulgaria

- 1995-1999 - Deputy Director of Institute of Sociology

- 1996 - Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology

- 1997-  Associate Professor on Science and Technology Studies,

University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

- 1999 - Head of Technology Studies Group, Institute of Sociology president of Foundation "Institute for Financial Studies and Innovation", an NGO promoting development of innovative entrepreneurs and high technologies in Bulgaria (www.innovation-bg.com)

- 2000 - 2003- President of the Bulgarian Sociological Association, professional organization of Bulgarian sociologists. The organization is member of International Sociological Association.

-2004 -Head of Department of Sociology, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria


- (i) - Main field - sociology of science and technology, sociology of knowledge 

- (ii) -Other fields - economy of technical change, sociology of innovation, science and technology policy

Current research interest - sociology of laboratory sciences & large technical systems; Socio-economic and technological development in post-communist Eastern Europe, National Innovation Systems

Honors, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies

- 1990-1991 - Fellowship on "Science&Technology Studies" at  University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

- 1994 - DAAD Fellowship with Prof. Karin Knorr, Institute of Science and Technology Studies (IWTF), University of Bielefeld, Germany. Project "The Holographic Computer Memory: A 1970s Technological Revolution, That Never TakePlace"

- 1995  -  ACE-Phare Fellowship on Socio-Economics of Innovation with Prof. Michel Callon at CSI, Ecole des Mines, Paris, France. Project "Privatization, Structural Change and Innovation in Bulgaria after 1990"

- 1998-1999 - US MacArthur Foundation Research and Writing Grant on Peace and International Cooperation.  Project "Bulgaria after the Wassenaar Arrangement: the Tension Between Inherited Traditions and New Commitments"

- 1998 - DAAD Fellowship with Prof. Karin Knorr, Institute of Science & Technology Studies (IWTF), University of Bielefeld, Germany. Project "Knowledge societies and relationships between human and nonhuman agents"

- 1999 - Bulgarian National Fund for Scientific Research Award for the project  "The Holographic Computer Memory: A 1970-s Technological Revolution, That Never Take Place".

- 1999-2001 - INCO-Copernicus IV Program Research Grant "Telematics and  Communication Technology Industrial Comparative Study: Bulgaria, Romania and Macedonia (scientific coordinator)

- 2001-2002 - NATO/France Grant for scientific exchange on "Technologies in Post-Socialist Economic Transition", CSI - École des Mines, Paris.

- 2003 - Institute for Advanced Studies - Science, Technology and Society, Graz, Austria. Visiting Fellow DAAD Fellowship with Prof. Karin Knorr, University of Konstance, GermanyInstitute of Science & Technology Studies (IWTF), University of Bielefeld, Germany. Project "The Sites where the Future Takes Shape: Analysis of The Heterogeneous Micro-Communities in The Scientific Laboratories and Large Technical Systems"

- 2005 - Creative Industries in Plovdiv Region, Bulgaria. British Council sponsored project (head of research team) South-East European Network for Science and Technology Studies: STS Contributions to the Governance of Sociotechnical Change (SEENet-STS), Program on "Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria and South-Eastern Europe", Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices (ASO), c/o Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Vien, Austria

- 2006 -  Production of Knowledge Revisited (PROKNOW). Project on VI Framework Program of EC, 2006-2009. (Coordinator for Bulgaria) WIPO Study On The Contribution Of Copyright And Related Rights Industries To The National Economy Of Bulgaria

- 2000 - Member of European Association for Study of Sciences & Technology (EASST)


List of main publications

(1) Papers

Technology and the Models of Post-Socialist Economic Transition: Some Evidences from the Bulgarian experience, in: Governing Sociotechnical Change in Southeastern Europe: Contributions from A Science & Technology Studies Perspective, East-West Publishers, Sofia, 2007, pp.169-201

Tchalakov I., (2006). Socialism as Society of Networks and the Problem of Technological Innovations, in: Sociological Problems, Special Issue 2006, BAS Academic Publishers, Sofia, pp.343-371

Tchalakov, I (2005) - The History of Holographic Optical Storage at The Both Sides of The Iron Curtain - 1969-1989, ICON - The Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology, vol.11

Tchalakov I., (2005). Technology and the Models of Post-Socialist Economic Transition, in: Sociological Problems, Special Issue 2005, BAS Academic Publishers, Sofia, pp.145-165

Tchalakov, I. and Georgi Kapriev (2005) - The Limits of Causal Action Actor-Network Theory Notion of Translation and Aristotle's Notion of Action, in: 2005 - Yearbook of the IAS-STS, Edited by Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Bernhard Wieser, Graz, Austria, München,  Profil, 35 pages

Tchalakov, I. (2004) - Language and Perception in the Coupling Between Human and Non-human Actors, in: 2004 - Yearbook of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technologies & Society, Edited by Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Bernhard Wieser, Graz, Austria.

Tchalakov, I. (2004) - The Object and the Other in Holographic Research - Approaching Passivity and Responsibility of Human Actors, in: Science, Technology & Human Values, vol.29 No.1

Tchalakov, I. (2004) - Les profiles de réseau des entreprises des technologies informatiques et de communications: Utilisation conjointe d'analyse de co-occurrence Réseau Lu et analyse de correspondances multiples, in : Analyse de co-occurrence Réseau Lu et ses applications, CSI - Ecole de Mines de Paris, (in co-authorship with Andrei Mogoutov),  (forthcoming)

Tchalakov, I. (2003) -  Joseph Schumpeter rethought: the classic ideas on the innovations in no-exchange economy at the light of some resent studies of the communist economy, in: Theorie Vĕdy / Theory of Science, Vol.: XII/XXV/2003, No.3, Prague

Tchalakov I., (2002). Towards a Neoschumpeterian Model of Post-Socialist Economic Transition, in: Sociological Problems, Special Issue 2002, LIK Publishing House, Sofia, pp.115-128

Tchalakov I., (2002). Multiple Correspondence Analysis and its Application in Studying Relationships between Social Actors, in: Sociological Problems, No.1-2, pp.206-225 (in co-authorship with Donka Keskinova)

Tchalakov I., (2001). Cluster Analysis and its Application as Preliminary Step to the Use of Multiple Correspondence Analysis in Sociology, in: Sociological Problems, No.3-4, pp.174-198 (in co-authorship with Donka Keskinova)

Tchalakov, I. (2001)a - The Bulgarian Research System - Ten Years Later, in: D.Cox, P. Gummet , and K. Barker (edc.) Government Laboratories: Transition and Transformation, PREST, Univ. of Manchester, NATO Science Series 4: Vol 34

Tchalakov, I. (2001)b  - Innovating in Bulgaria- Two cases in the life of a laboratory before and after 1989, in: Research Policy, Vol. 30/3 (Février), pp. 391-402

Tchalakov, I. (2001)c  - La théorie des réseaux techno-économiques et le développement dans les économies administrées,  dans: J.Boucher, G. Fotev et S. Koleva (s.d. de) Mutations de société en quête de sens, Éditions LIK

Chalakov, I., Kirov, V.  (2000) - Risk Capital and Innovative Entrepreneurship in Bulgaria. In: Jelio Vladimirov (ed.) Contribution of Social Research to the Economic and Social Recovery Policy, Sofia: Sofiiski Novini Edition, pp. 158-171.

Tschalakov, I. (1999)  - Dilemmata der wissenschaftlichen und technologischen entwicklung Bulgariens in  Zeitraum 1950-1980, in: Hans Leo Kramer und Christo Stoyanov (eds), Bulgarien im Übergang, Edwin Ferger Verlag, pp.51-78

Tchalakov, I. (1996)   - Industrial Development and Ecological Risks, 1945-1990., in: Jacques Coenen-Huther (ed.) "Bulgaria at the crossroads", Nova Science Publ. Inc, New York, 1996, pp. 245-258

Tchalakov, I., Boyadjieva, P. (1993)   - A la périphérie de l'Europe: appréhension publique de la science en Bulgarie, in: Alliage, No.16-17, p. 67-74

Chalukov, I. T. -  The ecological awareness of Bulgarian Industrial Menagers. The Environmentalist, 1993, 3 (in collaboration).

Tchalakov, I. (2000) - Bulgarian science in 20th century, in: Almanac Bularia 20th century, Sofia, Trud Priblishers, , p..545-582 (in Bulgarian)

Tchalakov, I. (1997) - Innovation in the Non-Exchange Economy. An Essay on Joseph Schumpeter, in: Sociological Problems,  No.4 (in Bulgarian)

(2)  Books

Burton P., and Ivan Tchalakov (eds.)  (2001) - Project TACTICS (Telematics And Communications Technologies in South East Europe, Sofia, LIK Publishers

Tchalakov, I. (1993) - The Chap.  Social Worlds of Knowledge, Critics & Humanism Publ., Sofia, 214 p.

Tchalakov, I. (1993) - The Potential emigration of Bulgarian Scientists in 1990's, Institute of Sociology, Sofia,(in co-authorschip), 78 p.

Tchalakov, I. (1994) - Science: A Life Outside the Laboratory, , "Marin Drinov" Academic Publishing House, Sofia (in co-authorship)

Tchalakov, I.  (1998) - Making a hologram: a book about the light, about the scientists and their world, "Marin Drinov" Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 252 p.

Tchalakov, I. (1999)  - Emancipation of Credit: Transformation of Financial system, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Bulgaria, Institute of Sociology, Sofia, (in co-authorship), 90 p.

(3)     Scientific reports

Tchalakov, I.(1997) - Technological Innovations and Non-Exchange Economy. The case of Bulgaria (1947-1997) - rapport de recherche, Programme ACE-Phare, Commission Européene

Tchalakov, I.(1999) - "Bulgaria after the Wassenaar Arrangement: the Tension Between Inherited Traditions and New Commitments", research report, MacArthur Grant No.: 97-50921

Burton P., and Ivan Tchalakov (eds.)  (2001) - Project TACTICS (Telematics And Communications Technologies in South East Europe - research report to European Commission